A holiday with the most beautifulest girl in the world - Kaylyn Joy. She came to India to visit for 2 wonderful weeks. We got to spend time together with my team and with some of my Indian friends. She got to see and live my life in India for a little bit. One thing that was really cool was she brought a Polaroid camera. So we got to capture some incredible moments.
We got to vacation in Kerala, which is a southern state in India. There are beaches and palm trees everywhere. My dad graciously allowed us to stay in an incredible hotel.
We got to go to the beach 3 out of the 4 days we were there.
We got to see AND help the fishermen pull in their catch!
We ate pizza 4 days in a row!

Drank coconut water!
We got to ride Dumbo!
We almost got to go on into a lion safari park, but only in India would the boat to get there be broken down.
We got to go on a backwater tour.
We got to get massages!
We got to do everything we wanted in room 120!
We returned Christmas Eve at 11pm after missing our connecting flight, but we entertained ourselves by mimicking adds in magazines with our red lip stick!
We got back and played Dirty Santa with the team.
We all stayed the night at the McEntyre’s house, all girls in the bedroom and the guys out in the living room. We woke up to Maddie opening presents from her grandparents. She was much more excited about the wrapping than she was about the actual gifts.
We had an incredible Christmas feast of Chicken, Ham, mashed potatoes, green bean bundles, rolls, and lots of deserts. And Kaylyn and I even made some rolls for everyone.
Afterwards we all opened our presents from the team. We each drew a name of a person on the team and were supposed to buy gifts for them. John Miller drew my name and got me 3 wooden elephants so I could use them to decorate and he also got me a picture frame of my family.
After presents we went on the roof and the guys played baseball with Maddie's toys. It was pretty funny to see how much they all got into it! We took some group pictures too!
Christmas evening Kaylyn and I got to skype into Christmas with my parents and Brett and Claire. We all got to open our stockings and presents together. It was really fun to be able to be with family over the holidays even if it was over skype.
After Christmas I got to spend a few more days with my sister before her flight back to America.
We got pedicures and manicures for $14 each.
This is my neighborhood:
We went to go see movies.
We went on a midnight bike adventure. 3 deep on one of the bikes. We went to a lake and then the police came and told us to leave because they didn't think it was "safe" for us to be there.
Kaylyn and I getting to hang out with one of my friends here in India, Poonam.
It was time to take Kaylyn to the airport and I definitely didn't want to day good-bye. We both got a little teary-eyed when she left.
This was a Christmas I’ll never forget and I’m so thankful for Kaylyn, my family, and my team who made it special for me!
Love you sister… thanks for the memories!
Sweet cousin, thanks for updating your blog! And thanks for the beautiful posting of your Christmas holidays with your BFF. I was so thrilled to hear that she was making that trip out there. I love you!